Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How to remove left-side tab from iGoogle page

To get more page space.
Instead of "", use "". (Source: GoogleGroups web-search help)

However, there is side effect(s). At least I see that gadgets' title bar changes buttons from menu-maximize to menu-minimize-close list.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Cannot sign-in Yahoo!

... via Y!Messenger, and neither can web-browse (IE) to nor sign-in from

Resolution: Clear IE cache, cookies, history (don't proof exactly which one(s)) and then can retry sign-in successfully.

Friday, May 30, 2008



  • :. = therefore: In PocketPC, dotting twice converts '..' to ':' so that ':.' is faster than '.:'.
  • :~ = because: There is no "upper dot" in general character set. This looks close to ':.'. In Prolog programming language, ':-' is used in syntax as "(only) if" logic but that symbol in ordinary writing language rather means "such as". Tilde character in some typeface becomes upperscore.
  • / done, x cancelled, . started, ^ postponed, transfered (to elsewhere), > in progress (not complete yet)

Graphical symbols

This is for use in hand-writing (among books) not text-typing (in computer).

  • q

    (q) Prepare for to-do tracking: i.e., denote a task

  • Triangles

    • Right-ahead: normal bullet. The 'o' symbol can confuse with text in writing. Also easier than black 'o' or square symbols.

    • Normal:

    • Upside-down

    • Left-ahead

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

HP-calculator equation, financial investment formula

This equation is for quick calculation of buying/selling stocks.
Input negative value either AMT or VOL to indicate buying.
Note that I use '*' and '/' for multiply and divide operators respectively (the calculator uses exact arithmatic symbols).
However, few weeks later I revised to this version:
  • Assign formula's label.
  • Handle when price is queried.
  • Only calculate fee (commission + tax) instead of total. To get total, press: [AMT] [+ or -] [FEE (twice, first time it will beep)]

I should add more from HP 200LX later.


Monday, May 26, 2008

LotusNotes: asset aging formula

This formula calcaluates age from field 'Purchase_date' and rounds to 0.5-year interval.

y0 := @Today;
y1 := @Year(y0) +(@Month(y0)/12);
x0 := @If(Purchase_date=""; y0; @TextToTime(Purchase_date));
x1 := @Year(x0) +(@Month(x0)/12);
@If(Purchase_date=""; -1; @Round(y1 - x1 -0.24; 0.5))

Actually the formula of y1 (and x1) would be "... +((@month(y0) -1) /12)". However, when (y1 - x1) is computed, result will be correct value.

Offset value 0.24 is used to implement "round down" or "floor" function. It is 0.24 instead of 0.25 in order to avoid case when the item has just been purchased (where result will be calculated to -0.25 and then rounded down to -0.5). If quarterly-basis is preferred, @round's arguments become (y1 - x1 -0.124; 0.25).

In this context, the field Purchase_date is text type. Formula returns -1 when Purchase_date has no value.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Synchronise files on both WM and Nokia

Nokia's PC Suite 6.85 (maybe started from 1-2 releases earlier) has new feature to synchronise files beyond PIM data.

  1. The phone's folder is \Briefcase, either phone memory or storage card, whereas we can define folder on harddisc.
  2. Any files can be included, but does not mean that the phone can open all file types. So it's not wise to synchronise all data from PPC to phone.

  1. Define a subfolder inside PPC's "My Documents" such as "sync2" to put files we want to synchronise to both PPC and Nokia.
  2. Do not save Word document as RTF, Nokia cannot open it.

Practical mobiling: MS Office Mobile 6

Saving Word document as .RTF takes file size less than .DOC/.DOCX format.

  1. PC's Write or WordPad does not support paragraph numbering as available in PPC, just only bulleting.
  2. Other mobile devices (Nokia for example) may not recognise to open RTF file.

Therefore, it is good choice for small note (more than .PWI but less than .DOC) with simple bulleting/numbering, and synchronised with RTF-readable device.