Monday, November 9, 2009

Tweeting shorthands

As Twitter keeps message posting limited to 140-character long, sometimes it would be better using certain symbols in character set instead of multiple/repeated characters to save message length.

Try this


… — ‼
Instead of repeating those characters.
« »
Double less/greater signs, or denote arrows: <- ->

"RT @... original message. ‖ your additional comment"  (idea from '// comment' in C++)
≠ ≤ ≥ ±
<>, <=, >=, +/-
⅛ ¼ ⅜ ½ ⅝ ¾ ⅞
Instead of x/y
© ® ™
Instead of (C), (R), TM
α β
Instead of 'alpha', 'beta'

Also these symbols are nice for use:
  • ≈ ≡ × ÷
  • ∞ ∫ ∑ √ ∂ ∆
  • ¬(not) °(degree) ²(square) ³(cube)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Twitter visibility

  1. When we follow an account, we see followee's own updates not others that s/he follows, unless we already follow ones of them mutually.
  2. People will only see replies in their home time line if they are following both the sender and recipient of the update. People with protected accounts cannot send replies to people who aren't following them, and mentions won't be seen by non-followers either. [from: "What are @replies and mentions?"]

As simply stated in Lists' privacy setting:
  • Public — Anyone can subscribe to this list.
  • Private — Only you can access this list.
We see lists when they are set public, and cannot see/access private lists (even we specify exact URL).  This rule is not matter the lists' owner is normal(public) or protected account.

What connection can we make with other people?
Given that they are: »
Normal/public account
Protected account
Follow them
To request
Keep them in list
Available when we've already followed
Follow (subscribe) their lists
Public lists only
Public lists only (needn't request)
See their private lists

Whom do we see inside a list?
Given that they (not list owner) are: »
Normal/public account
Protected account
List is public
Visible if we've also followed them
List is private
List is inaccessible
List is inaccessible

Also notice that we may put people (of normal/public account) into our list(s) without following them: i.e., they are not shown up in our main-stream time line.

Further reading

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Nokia-phone shortcuts

p: Select profiles
h: Power on/off

h: Message reader 
h:Voice commands
p/h: Alternative profiles/power switch
h: List/choose running applications
wb: View bookmarks

wb: Show/hide page overview
wb: Type in web address
Show/select special character.
Calendar: Change/rotate views.

h: Web browser
3p: Insert new-line.

Change text language/prediction mode
Alternative Edit key.
Calendar: Go to today.

p = press and release, optional number 2 or 3 means double and tripple pressing.
h = press and hold
wb = web browser

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Yammer links

i.e., those appended to ""

Link to
Do this
i.e., (syntax)
Single message
Check from its time-stamp
Message threadReplace "messages" of message link with "threads"..../threads/{message#}
Thread with initial-message highlighted

Thread with reply-message highlighted
Click the reply's time-stamp to get its own page, then check the link from "in reply to" clause..../threads/{message#}?message_id={reply-message#}&replied_to_id={message#}


  • Popular tags =

Monday, September 7, 2009

A fact about spelling

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. 

[source: Also used to see somewhere before, but this time I copy from an iGoogle gadget around "illusion"]

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Number sign (#)

Source: Number sign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are some facts that we've never noticed before.
  • It's also called "hash" sign (myself have just learned this from Twitter).
  • It's not actually same as the "sharp" sign. And "C#", which is called "see sharp", actually uses # instead of real sharp sign for convenience.

    Reblog this post [with Zemanta]

    Wednesday, August 12, 2009

    Hello Twitter

    Already just signed up: "FtDg"

    Instead of full name, abbreviation would be better for tweeting.

    Thursday, July 23, 2009

    Computer display resolution

    Dimensions are in X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) pixels. Aspect ratio is indicated in Y where specific, normally it is either 4:3 or 16:10 (wide).







    QVGA: quarter VGA

    VGA: video graphics array

    SVGA: super VGA

    XGA: extended graphics array
    720 (16:9)
    800 (16:10)
    SXVGA, Quad VGA

    SXGA: super XGA
    1024 (5:4)
    1024 (25:16)
    UXGA: ultra XGA

    [reference: "Computer display standard" » file:"vector video standards2.svg"; Wikipedia]

    Wednesday, July 1, 2009

    Gmail: Find archive-only messages

    i.e., archived messages/conversations with no any other label assigned.

    Terra Nomad: Gmail tip for finding archived items with no label
    To find them, search this: "-label:inbox -label:blog -label:comp ..."
    You have to add a -label:tag for each tag, so it can take a while to write. But bookmark it and you never have to write it again!

    To update here when more is found...

    Thursday, June 25, 2009

    A way to open 2 Google accounts simultaneously

    In case that we have one personal account and another one company account -- for example.

    We can use multiple web browsers to separate accounts. But if we want to use only one such as Firefox. This method can be a solution:

    Personal-account set
    • iGoogle: by this time it's not available to company account yet.
    • Gmail Notifier
    Company-account set
    • Google Talk

    Gmail Notifier and Google Talk call Gmail at different places despite of same "", no matter company has set alias to another URL or not. And then from Gmail, each session links to within its own place for other services (Calendar, Docs, Sites).

    Monday, May 25, 2009

    How to locate link to each post in FriendFeed

    FriendFeed does not provide link of each post right from typical page. Comparing with Blogger's link field: it links to embedded URL, when supplied, not the post itself.

    To find the post's URL itself:
    1. At the post's actionable command line, select "Share". Its dialog pops up.
    2. Under "Share elsewhere" section, look at field: URL.

    This is useful when we want to review comments/discussion, for example.

    Wednesday, May 6, 2009

    Social networking

    There are 2 major meanings according to Wikipedia. So, using each term correctly would be nicer in our language.
    1. Social network: a social structure made of nodes (which are generally individuals or organizations) that are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency.
    2. Social networking or Social network service: focus on building online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others.

    Monday, April 6, 2009

    Lotus-Notes OoO clarification

    The agent asks us returning date. However it assumes that we become available that same day too!
    • The dialog lets us specify (I will be out of office...) leaving and returning dates.
    • The first paragraph of OoO message will become: "I will be out of the office starting {leaving date} and will not return until {returning date}."

    At returning date (before morning), the agent will send 2 emails to mailbox owner:
    1. Subject: Welcome Back!
      Please disable your Out of Office Agent. To disable the agent, Open your Out of Office profile and select the 'Disable' button.
      While you were out, the 'Out of Office' agent notified the following people of your absence. .....

    2. Subject: Reminder Please Turn Off your Out Of Office Agent
      This is a repeat reminder!
      Please disable your Out of Office Agent. To disable the agent, open your Out of Office profile and select the 'Enable/Disable' button.

    So, if we are away, such as on vacation, during date 10 to 14 and will be available at 15; set returning date to 15.

    Wednesday, March 25, 2009

    LN-admin's function keys

    More will be added here later once I know, you can leave ones to me as comment -- thanks! :-)

    Press and hold while select item in menu bar.
    • Database) View |Go To ...: show hidden views in selection list.
    • Workspace) View |Show Server Names: include folder path.

    Tuesday, March 24, 2009

    Windows regional setting: Thai non-ShiftLock keyboard

    Microsoft does not describe formally what does it mean. Closest-useful one from Internet searching is "Thai Kedmanee (non-ShiftLock) Keyboard Layout".

    This table compares results when we (1) hold on [Shift] key and (2) toggle [CapsLock] key.

    Layout Normal Shift key is held CapsLock is on
    English (US) asdf 1234 ASDF !@#$ ASDF 1234
    Thai Kedmanee ฟหกด ๅ/-ภ ฤฆฏโ +๑๒๓ ฤฆฏโ +๑๒๓
    Thai Kedmanee (non-ShiftLock) ฟหกด ๅ/-ภ ฤฆฏโ +๑๒๓ ฟหกด ๅ/-ภ
    Red colouring denotes outputs different from physical/mechanical typewriter.

    1. Computer keyboard programmes CapsLock key slightly different from physical/mechanical typewriter. Another words, computer keyboard means caps-lock whereas typewriter means shift-lock.
    2. For Thai keyboard layout, non-ShiftLock disables CapsLock key.

    For more about Thai keyboards, see "The Keyboard Layouts and Input Method of the Thai Language" (1993).

    Thursday, March 12, 2009

    LNmail: sent date(/time)

    In case when mail is relayed. These fields have different values:
    - PostedDate = when mail is sent out from sender.
    - DeliveredDate = when mail arrives recipient's inbox.

    Friday, January 9, 2009

    To paste table into Google page/document

    i.e., G.Docs's document, G.Sites page

    • Directly pasting from G.Docs spreadsheet gets plain-text form.
    • Directly pasting from Excel does get HTML-table object, but colouring and border lining are still lost.

    A known solution: paste (as rich-text) to MS-Word, and copy from MS-Word.

    (To collect more/better solutions when found.)

    Embedded pictures are lost when redirect mail from Lotus Notes to GoogleGroups

    Develop agent to send incoming mail (from any to Lotus-Notes mailbox) to (another) specified email address.
    Redirect an email with embedded pictures to {groupname} Embedded pictures are not included in G.Group's discussion post.
    Manually, forward same email to same G.Group, embedded pictures are included in discussion post.

    Wednesday, January 7, 2009

    Syncrhonise Firefox's Morning-Coffee configuration

    This is actually relatively easy to do, but you need to track down your Firefox profile folder first. If you are using Windows, this is typically C:\Documents and Settings\[YOUR USER NAME]\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\[GOBBLEDYGOOD].default. On the Mac, it's /Users/[YOUR USER NAME]/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/[GOBBLEDYGOOK].default/. If you're using Linux, check around for a directory called .mozilla in your home directory.
    Once you have this folder, look for a folder inside it called "morningCoffee." That's where all your sites are stored. .....

    So, using sync tool such as SyncToy or Syncplicity would work perfectly :)

    Lotus-Notes client's button in universal toolbar for generating simple-text mail header

    1. Menu: File |Preferences |Toolbar prefrences
    2. Edit Toolbar Button

    Button caption text, Popup help text = "Insert mail header"
    xx := @Prompt([OkCancelList]; "Name format"; "Choose between CN (domain suppressed) and Abbreviate (Internet-oriented)."; "CN"; "CN" : "Abbreviate");

    @Command([EditDocument]; "1");
    @Command([EditGotoField]; "Body");
    @Command([EditInsertText]; @NewLine);

    x1 := "; " +@Text(@If(@IsAvailable(PostedDate); PostedDate; @Created)) +@NewLine;

    @If(xx = "CN"; @Do(
    @Command([EditInsertText]; "From:" +@Char(9) +@Name([CN]; From) +x1);
    @Command([EditInsertText]; "To:" +@Char(9) +@Implode(@Name([CN]; SendTo); ", ") +@NewLine);
    @Command([EditInsertText]; "CC:" +@Char(9) +@Implode(@Name([CN]; CopyTo); ", ") +@NewLine);
    @Command([EditInsertText]; "BCC:" +@Char(9) +@Implode(@Name([CN]; BlindCopyTo); ", ") +@NewLine)
    ); @Do(
    @Command([EditInsertText]; "From:" +@Char(9) +@Name([Abbreviate]; From) +x1);
    @Command([EditInsertText]; "To:" +@Char(9) +@Implode(@Name([Abbreviate]; SendTo); ", ") +@NewLine);
    @Command([EditInsertText]; "CC:" +@Char(9) +@Implode(@Name([Abbreviate]; CopyTo); ", ") +@NewLine);
    @Command([EditInsertText]; "BCC:" +@Char(9) +@Implode(@Name([Abbreviate]; BlindCopyTo); ", ") +@NewLine)

    @Command([EditInsertText]; "Subj:" +@Char(9) +Subject +@NewLine);
    @Command([EditInsertText]; @NewLine);