Friday, April 9, 2010

Lotus-Notes mail rule for auto-forwarded mail from GMail

When an email X is sent from A to B who uses GMail, and B sets filter to auto-forward to C; envelope-address of X will still show A as sender.  However, C cannot define mail rule that sender is A!

As X is coming from Internet (GMail), there will be field "SMTPOriginator".  And in this case the fields 'SMTPOriginator' = B and 'From' = A; and 'Sender' in mail rule will check field 'SMTPOriginator' instead: i.e., sender becomes B not A.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Time management matrix

Time management matrix as described in Merrill...Image via Wikipedia
of Stephen Covey's 7-Habits

Somewheres we can find the quadrant diagrammes

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Additional styling in Google Chat & Buzz

Enclose text with star, underline, and dash for bold, italic, strikethrough respectively. But it can be incomplete when outer-enclosed with parentheses (e.g., text ... "quote *something* may not always _work_")

Does not work in GReader's comment.

Also see: